Before We Start

Before we start with the exciting process of knowing all about the so called “Next Big Thing” (Web Services) let me just put to you the way in which this tutorial is organized. This will give you an overview of how we shall progress on our path.

Section 1. is all about Web Services Foundation. It clarifies issues about what Web Services actually are and what makes them “The Next Big Thing”. Also we would familiarize our selves to some concepts and allied technologies that we would need in the later studies of Web Services. The discussion about such concepts and technologies is rather abstract. If you don't follow certain points, don't panic ! they would get clear to you as you progress into later sections. None the less I wont advice you to venture into skipping this section or any of its part. Make a slow, sincere attempt to grasp Section 1.

Section 2. Most of the concepts nd technologies that we have abstractly discussed in Section1 would get stuffed with flesh in Section 2. This is the “hands on” Section where we learn about how to code web services and use the infrastructure provided by vendors that let you develop Web Services. The infrastructure that we shall study will be SUN's “Reference Implementation” of JAX RPC (don't worry if you don't know what that means).

In the first two sections we shall discuss only to a depth that is needed minimum to write and deploy simple (yet powerful) Web Services. In later sections (which are still under construction) we intend to add sections that deal with “under the hood” stuff. That speak in depth about SOAP, WSDL, UDDI that are corner stones of Web Services. One of my intentions in section 1 and section2 is to just give you the concepts and then go on to create Web Services without really being exposing you to the learning curves of technologies like SOAP, WSDL.

Finally we would learn how to modify the default infrastructure so as to enable more complex and even more powerful Web Services. These include writing custom serializer and deserializers. Currently the Sun's Reference Implementation (actually the xrpcc tool) has a bug ( it does not pick up custom Serailizer/Deserailizer classes) and so this topic has been deferred with a hope that the next public release where in Sun promises to fix it will be available by then.

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